Thursday, October 13, 2011

The New Mass Prayers

Why is the Catholic Church changing the prayers of the Mass?  What difference will these new words make?  On November 27, 2011, Catholics will begin praying with the new missal.  The new translation of the Roman Missal has generated much interest and many questions.  On Sunday, October 23, 2011, from 1:30-3:30pm, Linwood Spiritual Center will present “Are You Ready for the New Mass Prayers?”  Fr. Tom Scirghi, SJ, will lead a discussion of the new missal with its blend of the old and the new, and how it may revive worship.  The cost for this program is $15.00 
Thomas Scirghi, SJ, is Professor of Sacramental Theology at Fordham University.  He has presented workshops on the new missal across the country as well as in Asia and Africa.  Tom is a longtime friend and regular visitor to Linwood.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Linwood Spiritual Center Offers Spirituality for Women Program

On Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00 P.M., Linwood Spiritual Center will offer Spirituality for Women.  Beginning on October 17 and ending on November 14, this series will be facilitated by Maureen Steeley, S.U. and based on the book Prayer by Joyce Rupp.  The fee for the program is $50, plus the cost of the book.
In her book, Rupp inspires us not only to talk to God but to listen to the “still, small voice of God” within us. The longer we pray, the more we realize prayer is bigger than we are, more expansive and deeper. Join the group as it plumbs Rupp’s book, sharing stories and struggles and, perhaps, find each other already in the heart of prayer.

Maureen Steeley, SU, is the Director of Linwood Spiritual Center. In this role, she initiates programs for the Center and interfaces with guest presenters. She especially enjoys the ministry of spiritual direction and retreat ministry as well as facilitating various groups of men and women, helping them to find God in their lives.